Иван Охлобыстин открыл велосезон
To your favorite sport passion actor of all family members.

Иван Охлобыстин открыл велосезон

Photo: Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin

Иван Охлобыстин открыл велосезон

Ivan Okhlobystin

Photo: Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin

Ivan Okhlobystin is an avid cyclist. It already
long ago became addicted to my hobby my whole big family. At the first
opportunities actor along with his wife Oksana and children off to
the Bicycle ride. It is not surprising that the end of winter, and hence the opening velosezona
Ohlobystina waited impatiently. And here has come true: on a cold but Sunny April day
Ivan and the children have celebrated the first year departure on two-wheeled steeds.
“The Bicycle season open!” said Ivan, publishing some photos on
his page on the social network.

Space for Cycling Ivan always chooses unusual.
It would seem, in Moscow with this kind of vehicle is not
“clear up”. But the actor is full of surprises and domestic, and their
fans, choosing routes for walking. So this time, Ivan found fantastic scenery, more like illustrations to
the acclaimed novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky “picnic”.

Each walk to the star of the family turns
adventure. Okhlobystin told 7days.ru on one of them. “Once we went on bikes at some
the tunnel, where it was forbidden to ride cyclists — says the actor. — And here imagine, industrial area, rain glyset wall
as we pedaled frantically, trying to leave the tunnel. Following us some
man yells into a megaphone: “Industrial facility! Here is forbidden! That fear had suffered”.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Photo: Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin

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