Иван Охлобыстин отдыхает вместе с повзрослевшими детьми
Actor tries to be a best friend for their heirs.

Иван Охлобыстин отдыхает вместе с повзрослевшими детьми

Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife Oksana, son Basil and daughters Barbara and Joan

Photo: @psykero1477 (Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin)

49-year-old Ivan Okhlobystin once again confirmed the status of the perfect
family man. He and his wife Oksana spent the whole day at the amusement Park along with 15-year-old son Basil and daughters: 17-year-old
Barbara and 13-year-old Joan. Moreover, parents support teen
dress code and have fun along with their children. And on the eve of the actor rested
along with 10-year-old son Savva. All free time devotes Ivan
family and active holidays with children.

Many women sigh, when it comes to Okhlobystin. Do
— ideal in all respects. Ivan strong — and the only one in my life — marriage, the actor loves
his wife and six children, works hard and is fully responsible for his
a large family, allowing his wife to do the house only.

Ivan Okhlobystin with his son Sava

Photo: @psykero1477 (Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin)

With the main star of the series “Interns” take the example of the famous
friends. A few days ago, for example, Mikhail Efremov married
his wife Sofya Kruglikova. Witnesses ordinances were is Ivan and Oksana
Ohlobystina, whose worldly advice is often heeded by many of them
environment. Svetlana Permyakova, for example, admitted that it is the opinion of Ivan
Ivanovich always helped her to repeatedly make the right decision at the most,
seemingly difficult situations.

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