Ирина Пегова передала дочери по наследству шикарную фигуру
12-year-old Tanya became even more like my mother.

Photo: Instagram

It’s amazing how in one man so strong can be the genes of both parents. Just a month ago, a recent photo of Tatiana, daughter of Irina Pegawai and Dmitry Orlov impressed the fans of the ex-spouses. Serious girl seemed to be a copy of his famous father.

And now, when she’s resting with mom in the UAE, it is a copy of my mother! Forms Irina Pegawai who do not give to live in peace half of the theatrical community of the capital, apparently, has inherited her daughter. 12-year-old Tanya of mom’s figure. And now it is impossible to imagine that a girl born weighing just 2.4 kg.

It should be noted that, divorced seven years ago with her husband, Irina was wise and did not limit contact with her father. Pegova and eagles managed for Tatiana to find a common language. Now they maintain a good relationship and often spend together weekends. In 2014, Dmitry married a second time.

It is interesting that recently the Network spread the rumor that the actress is here-here again will be a married lady. Irina does not exclude that in the future the second time you try on the outfit of the bride, but to rush into an important decision she does not want. “Marriage is a serious matter. So as to want or not want. View on the circumstances. If I need, I will marry!” Irina said in the program “a Perfect repair. About his new elect Irina does not want to talk, guided by the rule — “happiness loves silence”.