Actress hard going through the loss of a loved one.
Irina Medvedeva
Photo: @irina_medvedeva_official Instagram Irina Medvedeva
Father Of Irina Medvedeva
Photo: @irina_medvedeva_official Instagram Irina Medvedeva
Irina Medvedeva shared her grief. As it became known, recently in the life of the actress happened to the mountain: has left the life of her beloved father. The life of a beloved family member has claimed a deadly disease. Irina lost her father two weeks ago and only now found the strength to talk about what happened. But to believe that the Pope is no more Irina now just refuses.
Medvedev wrote a letter to his father in which he told about his experiences. The day before he was about to turn 62.”My life will never be the same. Never. Each ray of sunlight, the beauty of the sunset and the joy of travel — now bring me nothing but pain because you can’t see and will never see. Overestimate everything: what they failed to do for you, what is not said, what is not presented. A cruel sense of loss and return. Tears is nothing. If you like to know what vyplata them all, it will be easier, but no,” wrote 34-year-old Irina.
The actress admitted that now dreams of humanity finally came up with a “magic” pill for cancer. This illness took the life of her dad. “A lot of questions and no answers. We fly into Space, can lead to broadcast across the ocean, one by pressing “enter” many issues are solved… But I can not understand — why till now I can not create a cure for cancer? — asks Medvedev. — Does it already exist and just greed does not allow to save millions of lives… Why? I can’t understand… And I can’t accept the fact that you don’t… I can’t tell you how much I miss you you’re the kindest and the best daddy on Earth. And I know that no one is proud of me like you!”