Ирина Дубцова надела совершенно безвкусный наряд
Girls who can’t help but wear the print of any animal, you have to be extremely careful to not look ridiculous.

Ирина Дубцова надела совершенно безвкусный наряд

In awkward situations were singer Irina Dubtsova, who, in pursuit of fashion, wearing leggings with leopard coloring, but somehow the blue-gray color.

Ирина Дубцова надела совершенно безвкусный наряд

Actually in this photo Irina advertises food delivery. But the followers attracted the attention of only the appearance of 36-year-old actress, saying it was just some space and the height of bad taste.

Well, actually paparazzi.ru I think that for a reasonable assessment – it is necessary to see the appearance Irina in full growth. Maybe there is not so bad.

It is worth noting that in recent Dubcova often chooses tight pants.

Ирина Дубцова надела совершенно безвкусный наряд

Apparently, this is after a recent photo shoot in Maxim magazine.

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