Ирина Агибалова заменила внукам маму Celebrity’s watching the kids while her daughter and her husband to enjoy the journey. Irina’s having a great time with the kids and teaches them useful skills. Margarita Agibalova should not worry for his heirs.

      Ирина Агибалова заменила внукам маму

      Not long ago, Irina Agibalova came to the family of his daughter Margaret to Cyprus. Agibalov-senior gets along great with her two grandchildren – six-year-old Mitya seventeen-month-old Bella. Irina loves children and tries to spend with them as much as possible. But along with the entertainment the kids acquire some useful skills. Agibalov-senior posted a photograph of herself when she teaches Bella to swim.

      “Sweetie Belle loves water. Happy swimming in the pool,” wrote former participant reality show “House-2”.

      Fans admired how take care of the children to Irina. “You are such a good grandmother, Irina, you are such a young grandmother!” did not get tired to admire the subscribers.

      Agibalov-senior copes with the role of the grandmother and enjoy watching them. While the mother of the former contestants of the reality show spends time with Mitya and Bell, Margaret and her husband Paul decided to go on a vacation together. They chose to travel through Amsterdam. Couple enjoys vacation and tries for a short time in the trip to gain as many impressions. Meanwhile, Irina copes with all the burdens of household responsibilities. Despite the change of climate, Agibalova do not stop severe headaches that ruin some plans.

      “I woke up with a migraine, and I was an hour and a half to get Mitsu to kindergarten and then to yoga. First lesson. Probably have to cancel,” said mother Margaret.

      The fans are very worried about the state of health of Irina. Apparently, the treatment which is passed mother Margaret, to no avail. A few months ago Agibalov-senior shared with his fans the news that she found a true guru of Tibetan medicine that promised to cure her from this disease. But apparently, the treatment did not bring long-term effect, and now Irina again suffers pain.

      However, the cause of such outbursts, migraine mom is participating in the project explains the usual strain. According to her, the doctor determined she clip the nerve endings in the occipital region. Irina Agibalova says that severe headaches it can also be from problems with the spine.

      Irina Agibalova cure the tumor

      Many fans with genuine interest the celebrity treatment. Some fans Agibalov is also faced with a similar problem.


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