Ирена Понарошку рассказала, как переживает расставание с мужем TV presenter admitted that he does not misses the wife, being the long separation from him. Irene together with her son waits the winter in a warmer climate, while her husband works in Russia.

TV presenter Irena Ponaroshku not the first wintering in Asia. This time the star has been 9 Jan flew to warmer climes. On vacation most of the time with her 6-year-old son, Seraphim. The boy’s father, the spouse of the presenter, Alexander Glukhov, known as DJ List, a busy touring schedule, and it is not possible all the time to be there.

Irene officially became the wife of DJ Alexander Glukhov in December 2010, and since then, apparently, happily married. In any case, neither the presenter nor her husband did not give grounds for gossip.

Followers of Irene in the network Instagram have wondered how the husband and wife survive such a long separation. Could the breakup to affect their marriage? The TV star has surprised Internet users, admitting that not she misses her husband.

“I recently wrote to direct the guy and asked, do I not miss my husband, who was sent to a harsh February for buckwheat and money. Like, his wife would not survive the separation. And I’m ashamed to say… no-SKU-cha-Yu! First, once: I have a Seraphim Sanych, sport, yoga, sea, sunsets, books, lectures, instagram, shooting and 108 emails at work per day. Secondly, I never get bored with them, cockroaches, butterflies and parasites! Also, as you will never get bored with It!”, – wrote Irene.

Irena Ponaroshku, passport Irina Filippova, also added that ten years along with Alexander sees him four days a week. “And this is the only possible format for me because I need lots of personal space and time to take a breath and take a good papacito… In my coordinate system, in order to be able to give something back, to share, to exchange, to fill each other, it is necessary to periodically disengage the embrace and look! So, no, I do not miss. But counting the days…,” wrote the star.

Most fans supported the Irena. “Class! I am also very fond of her husband, but also love to stay with cockroaches”; “You Have a very correct attitude is to be happy not only together, but alone! This is great!”; “You’re a real, self-sufficient Woman! Respect you very well,” wrote her subscribers.

TV presenter in his microblog often and writes a lot about the relationship with her husband. She recently admitted that is now on the verge of divorce. But it turned out that this is the beginning of a joke post about how she gave her favorite candy husband Bogdan Titomir. However, only in the dream, but Alexander still offended. “Still looking at me a wolf, can not forgive. Sure, even if in the dream I gave to myself, complete with stuffing and wrapper, they won’t be so offended… But to give the last candy – how could I and what to me now all you can talk?” – wrote Irene.