Two years ago, the actor divorced his wife. Despite the fact that since the breakup took a long time, Irakli Pirtskhalava doesn’t like to remember painful breakup. From his marriage with actress Sophia Grebenschikova he has two sons.
At the end of 2014 the singer Irakli Pirtskhalava divorced his wife, actress Sophia Grebenschikova. In marriage they had two sons, Ilya and Sandro. It was rumored that the couple had ceased to understand each other and the only way out of the situation saw only separation. Despite the fact that after the breakup of Heraclius and Sofia took a long time, it still hurt to remember the divorce, especially since between them remained warm feelings to each other.
“I don’t really want to talk about it, – the singer admitted. – What is good relations? I think the relationship that led to divorce, a priori can not be good, they can be at best diplomatically”.
Now, the artist tries not to advertise his personal life. However, after the divorce he had an affair with top model Svetlana Zakharova. “They have long been acquainted, was found in the total company at the club, “Gypsy”, but then Heraclius was married. We have among friends is not accepted to talk about his private life, he told a close friend of Irakli David Mania. She is from Chelyabinsk. But for many years lived in new York. Participates in shows at fashion Week in Italy, France, London. Light – face of the brand Ralph Lauren. In Moscow, she arrives mostly for the sake of Heraclius. A week ago I was at the opening of his club “Andy’s”, there came the ex-wife Sophia all the time jealously glanced in their direction”.
Currently, the musician devoted himself to the work and education of young sons. He tries as much time to spend in the company of kids. He admires their success and already notices their obvious passion for music. The eldest son, now six years old and the youngest only four.
“Ilya is very cool singing is purely his. But Sasha is still quite small, but from the age of three began to write songs. He sometimes will come up with a melody, and she has a way with words. And rhymes − it’s amazing. I just yell in ecstasy when you hear it, it’s magical!” the singer confessed in an interview with PeopleTalk.