Интерьер: Ким Кардашьян показала ванную и удивила всех странными раковинами

Kim Kardashian a creative person, and it is known that artists are a little…odd. Recently, the star responded to the 73 issue of Vogue and after the publication of the video had a mini-tour of the bathroom with his fans on instagram. The public was surprised with the shell, in which there is only the taps!

The original sink in the bathroom of the family Kardashian-West was made by Kanye in collaboration with the interior designer for couples by Axel Verworden and architect Claudio Silvestrin. “Claudio was the one who proposed to separate the sink from the wall,” explains Kim an odd choice of location of the sink. “We thought that it would be better!”. In the end, the sink is almost in the center of the room.

But the most interesting that have attracted the attention of fans of the stars, is the lack of sinks! A feeling that design is only the valve, but the water will just drain out on the floor. But it is not so. There were created eight prototypes of the sink and in the end, the couple stopped there. The thing in the little hole that you can not see from afar. Water simply does not usewhat to drain on floor and drained into the hole. No matter how strong the water pressure was not, it will still get to the right place.

The lighting in the bathroom no less interesting. Lamps on the ceiling and walls there. It turns out that the ceiling is one large lamp.

In addition to the washbasin in the bathroom Kardashian, the public discusses the desire of stars to become a lawyer. Recently, Kim Kardashian took courage and said that already some time studying at a higher education institution to an attorney. After this announcement, the star attacked the haters who don’t see “spoiled” star in the role of defender of human rights. Kim did not remain silent and responded to the haters on instagram.

“Last year I registered in the court of Chancery to study law. Over the next four years I will spend 18 hours each week on classes and monthly to submit written assignments and tests. I have seen various comments about the fact that my privilege and money will provide me everything I want, but it’s not. One person, for example, told me: “mind your business”. I want people to understand that no one and nothing should get in the way of your dreams and your goals. I work all day, put the kids to bed, and then I do at night,” writes Kardashian.

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