Инсайдер говорит: Эмма Уотсон и Корд Оверстрит расстались

About the personal life of the actress known for playing Hermione in “Harry Potter”, not much is known. Emma Watson tries to hide the details, so the relationship with Cord by Overstreet, known for his role as Sam Evans in TV series “glee”, the public knows not much. An insider told that a half year affair ended star.

“Emma and Cord at first silent about their relationship. They spent a lot of time together in Los Angeles. A few months ago they were photographed as a couple, but in the end nothing happened, and now they’re both single again,” reports the insider.

Breakup Emma decided to unsubscribe from Korda on instagram, but her ex-boyfriend didn’t like the actress and decided to continue to follow the news in her account.

Before Overstream from Watson was a long novel with a specialist in the field of computer technology William “Mac” knight. In November of last year, they broke up. Overstreet a list of the former much more impressive: he attributed novels with Lily Collins, daughter of Bruce Willis and demi Moore Rumer and Emma Roberts.

To build a relationship Emma’s not so simple, because somehow the actress said, went through all the possible sexual harassment, which was stated by many celebrities. Emma believes their experience is not unique.

“I went through the whole spectrum of sexual harassment. But I was more surprised that my experience is not unique. The experience of my friends and colleagues is also not unique. This is a very systemic problem,” said the star of “Harry Potter”.

Watson even cited statistics according to which victims of sexual violence in the UK became a woman age from 18 till 24 years, and most of them have been subjected to harassment in the workplace.

“When you communicate with women, you realize that almost each of them has a similar story. On the surface crazy facts,” says Watson.