Former member of the popular project shared the story about how she got on the program. According to ina, this would have to come up with a bright story. So Volovicheva told the producers of the reality show that she goes to Venceslava Vengrzhanovskiy.
35-year-old Inna Volovicheva, writer and former member of “House-2”, told in his Instagram about how she got into the program. For this woman retired from one of the popular newspaper, where he worked as the Deputy editor-in-chief, and sent to the organizers of the reality show your profile. Volovicheva accompanied her an old photograph of herself when she was much thinner than it was then. Inna was invited to telestroke, than put her in an awkward situation.
“I resigned from the editorial Board, came on the idea to get on the project and completed the questionnaire. To it was attached a photograph three years ago, I weighed 87 pounds. After a few days I called some girl and called on Wednesday to come for a conversation in a cafe “City of love”. I was scared. First, it is unclear what they need to do second, what to do with extra weight?”, – Volovicheva told its subscribers.
Inna ashamed of my physique. Before the audition she decided to become thinner with the help of clothes. To get on the program Volovicheva helped her intelligence.
“I was sure that such fat like me, the TV does not take. Although the presence on the project crumpets Rima Pengawas gives me some hope. I was involved in a corset, got into a dress two sizes smaller than necessary, and went to the casting. As it turned out, so he took you on a project, you need to be not only attractive but also smart. You must respond to whom, and why are you going on a reality show. And the banal “I’m going to Bob to to build love” ride. Need something original” – has told eks-the participant “Houses-2”.
Volovicheva heard about 70 people came to try their luck at casting a reality show. She drove home thinking about how to pass it. According to ina, none of those who participated in the trial with her, and did not get on the “House-2”.
A week later, it was February 13, 2009, Volovicheva again came to the casting. This time she was prepared for it. Inna came up with a story that helped her to get to the project. She said the organizers of the reality show that she liked Wenceslas vengrzhanovsky, known to fans of “House-2” to their strange and not always appropriate behavior. Idea ina relished the producers of the show, and she was invited to telestroke.
“On transmission, I saw a weird boy Wenceslaus Wegrzanowski, which many have been hurt, and he played the fool and called themselves “white mage”. Came to the casting, like as for fun, and out of curiosity, and I times and took! I told her I was going to the magician Venceslava to remove the “crown of celibacy”. No love with him, we read the plots and to remove the damage. Knew this will be interesting”, – said Inna Volovicheva in one of his social networks.
Recall that Vengrzhanovskiy Volovicheva and was one of the most memorable participants of the program. Many viewers were discussing whether their relationship is real. However, despite the rumors, the Union of ina and Wenceslaus lasted long enough.