Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал
The singer on the eve of the 40th anniversary about the secret of his harmony.

Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova

Producer and lead singer of “New Gem” Inna Malikova in this new year’s eve will celebrate its 40th anniversary. When
this singer looks like that will give odds to 25-year-old girls, and admits that
does to stay in such perfect shape.

“I do not hide neither his age nor his
parameters: my height is 164 and weight is 52 kilos (for me
this is a perfect figure) to 54 (it is a lot). But the problem with weight I
began to think not so long ago, after 35 years. Before that could afford and
buns. And by and large the food itself is not limited. And now every
this brioche quickly goes into buns on the back or on the sides. More:
I used to eat more than now, but not recovered, because the metabolism
was much faster. In General, I now have control over every gram and at its
the plate and on the scales. Rightly said a wise man: “If a woman to
forty years did not understand that she needs to eat, she’s a fool”. It sounds harsh, but
it’s true.

Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova

Now I clearly understand what is
proper nutrition. The greatest harm the figure is presented with bread and all kinds of
muffins, croissants, scones. They swell by leaps and bounds. Therefore, these
products from their diet I have eliminated completely. Despite the fact that white bread
I just love it. After all, my brother and I are accustomed to it from childhood. We with Dima’s grandmother
always gave with them to school (in General and in music)
sandwiches with cheese and sausage. And for Breakfast this was our favorite dish. So
the habit of white bread we laid in childhood. But if to choose between
him and slim figure, I’m collecting all the will in a fist, choose figure. But
black and crusty bread, I do not particularly like.

Also I love sausage and meat
delicacies. But it is also unwholesome food, which a lot of fat and salt. So I
they severely restrict, moving from the category of everyday products in the category
holiday is important from the standpoint of psychology. Sausage eating only
Sunday and only one piece. This is my ritual in the morning to go to
the store to get some deli meats, come home at lunch to take
soul. Honestly, when you perceive these products as something celebratory
and not ordinary, from their absence on the table everyday suffer much less.

On other days, instead of sausage I eat meat — most often baked grill. I’m a meat eater, so ready to eat steaks every day.
But I observe posts — all four big annual post. To abandon
meat and dairy food to me, a carnivore, was very difficult. It was a serious
test. But now I’ve adapted to. In a post to lean on shrimp. Do
of them a salad with lettuce, which is charged fairly nutritious, hearty
the ingredients: balsamic vinegar, plus soy and some mayonnaise sauce. And
sprinkle with nuts —almond, cedar. To taste it I replace

Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova

For example, instead of cow’s milk drink
soy or almond. But if the outside of the posts, I drink milk, its fat content is not
look. As the fat content of other dairy products. The main thing is not to overeat,
eat slowly and most importantly — do not eat after 18.00. For me to shut my mouth
after six o’clock is still the most effective means to keep weight.

However, I like all the artists stay up late.
Therefore, sometimes closer to midnight wakes up the appetite. I’ve found a solution: brew
black tea, add raspberry jam and ginger root drink with a spoon
white taiga honey. It turns out hot and very tasty drink that
excellent suppresses hunger. But if you feel very hungry, then allow yourself glazed
cheese, which my brother loved since childhood. But such a relief to do yourself
very rarely, because the cheese is full of carbs.

Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova

Due to the abundance of carbohydrates in control and
consumption of fruit. And try to eat only seasonal fruits. Recently
the store saw the raspberries with your finger size, this beautiful. But I did not buy:
than her fed, so she’s grown and what its stuffed with to take
to Moscow? So now they mainly eat persimmons and tangerines.

As for the two liters of pure water,
which suggest to drink nutritionists every day, I try to follow
rule. But. honestly, I force myself to do it. It’s always in the bag
keep a bottle of water and a gym especially I go through a corridor where there is
cooler. Seemingly simple tricks, and they disziplinarrat make.

In the gym, by the way, I go often three times
in a week, giving yourself breaks. Miracles do not happen: not going to coach
muscle, the figure will immediately crawl! In the hall prefer a variety of programs — with elastic bands, exercise machines, functional training. Usually work with their own weight
or with small weights and always on a slight increase in heart rate. And only two
once a month the coach gives me exercises to increase muscle (I’m not
need biceps like bodybuilder, just toned, “dried” body). In addition
do a thirty minute jog on the treadmill. And once or twice a week I go
dancing with his group “new Samotsvety”. In a week, I go out not less than
four serious fitness.

Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova

And, by the way, the hall for fitness classes at all
not required. Summer and fall my friends and I often do on the street.
Suitable after all, any space like a free Playground. There is also a
“horizontal bars”, and hemp, and ladders with which to reach and swing.
Actually, the gym you need two things – a Mat, to
to perform exercises on the ground, and your desire. However, in my case, the need
also my coach. No one can motivate, force, and the coach is the authority. Besides, to force myself to classes, I say to myself: “I
already paid for the training. Why would the money disappear?!” (laughs) Too
little trick and it works!

Also regularly, in the gym I go to
beautician. It’s like a work: once a week visits to the salon. Make the most
different treatments: peelings, massages, hardware. The skin should be intensified
fumble! And each fall do a course of mesotherapy with peptides. Best
the time for such vitamin injections this fall. The procedure is very effective
the needle marks remains — the next day you can participate in photo shoots.
The only “but” is a very painful procedure. But a year can
be patient — the result is excellent

Инна Маликова о том, как накачать пресс, не посещая спортзал

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova

As for creams, I have on
the dressing table has lots of them. Expensive, and not very much. After all, high price does not
ensures that the fluid or lotion suitable for your skin. Here
not guess, all have to try for yourself. That for each body part
only fits “your” cream, do not believe it. And can easily apply the cream for the face
on the chest area. By the way, the neck should be given the same attention as the face. Not
to spare even the most expensive face cream to your neck.

Careful care and require hands
if dry skin like mine. Especially now, in the cold season. I
hand cream constantly, 5-6 times a day! Tubes I have at home and in
the glove compartment of the car and in the office. And I well help paraffin bath.

But with the hair I was lucky, special
care they are not required, although for speeches I need them
to put it in. Quite the usual care. However, sometimes I do in
salon special care with masks and ampoules, the effectiveness of which increase with
using special warming lamps.

But in “grandmother’s” recipes for care and for
hair and face I do not believe. And there is no time to prepare
these homemade masks – buy all ready. I don’t believe in baths. And once a month
be sure to visit her. Cook there is a scrub of salt and coffee, sometimes
add mustard. And there ordering procedure “honey wrap”. His house
hard to do, not to perpacket clothes and a bath”.

Inna Malikova

Photo: courtesy of the Press service of I. Malikova