The actor agreed to the role of the coach of the athlete. The shooting will take place in three cities – Moscow, Ufa, and new York. Young kickboxer wants to show that anyone can achieve goals and achieve success.
The kickboxing world champion Khabir Suleymanov from the village Alimbetova Chelyabinsk region will become the hero of a Hollywood blockbuster. The casting is based on real events, the picture of the “Illegal alien” is in Los Angeles.
“Producer selects the actors, agrees on the set, talks with Directors, said the “StarHit” Khabir. – The role my coach has given prior consent, Jean-Claude van Damme. We hope that it will not be the only star. The film’s budget is $2 million, but the amount may grow.
I was born a “mutant”, with fused fingers. This pathology visible on the right hand in the form of membranes. In the village there were rumors that such a child can bring trouble, and offered to parents to get rid of me, but my mom defended. And the father gave us with the brother on kickboxing, so he can stand up for himself. Several times a week we walked 8 km to a neighboring village for training.
The film “Illegal alien” is about later events in our lives. The script I wrote myself. About how we with $65 in his pocket for two secret from the parents flew to the United States, lived without documents… was Interrupted by porters in cafes, factory – spun as best he could. Sweat and blood earned a name for himself in professional Boxing. I was twice champion of America.
Filming will take place in Ufa, Moscow and new York. In Russia the Director is likely to be Alexander Nazarov, known for the TV series “Not born beautiful”, and in the United States – William De vital. The other day I also sent a brief outline of the scenario Timur Bekmambetov. We know each other for years, met through mutual friends in Los Angeles, where I lived for 10 years.
He probably is a hundred sentences, but I hope that at least a month to reach my. Once Timur Nonwhites have praised my other script. Recommended to publish the book with him and register the copyright what I did.”