В семье герцогини Кембриджской назревает конфликт
Prince William will miss the celebration of the 35th anniversary of his wife.

Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge


It seems that the Duchess of Cambridge will be sad in
alone in her own birthday. According to the reporters of the newspaper Globe, her husband Prince William will be busy with his
official business. According to the informants, the next duty
as a pilot of the medical aviation accounted for 9 January — the day
when Kate turns 35.

The Prince returned to his job just three days
after celebrating the New Year. Anyway, on Thursday he was seen in
the vicinity of Cambridge. William, a certified pilot of the medical aviation,
helped to load the stretcher with the sick man suddenly in his helicopter to deliver him to the hospital. Prince
do not just accept that this work is extremely
important to him, she gives his life, according to William “the true meaning”.

For more than five years of marriage, Kate has managed to put up with
frequent absences of her husband. He in the past has repeatedly missed its days
birth — as was the case in 2014, when he underwent a crash course
agricultural Sciences in Cambridge. Besides, even if the graph of the flight duty William formed a pause, he has
to spend a lot of time to carry out their share of duties of a member
of the Royal family. And in the near future he will have to pay its debt
even more time. After all, the last time health Queen leaves much to be desired
best, Elizabeth will inevitably have to transfer more responsibilities to the young
members of the family.

Given this fact, already in March 2017 William will
to make an important decision. The fact that at this time the deadline for his contract
with the company, where he serves as the East Anglian Air Ambulance. And Prince
have to make a difficult choice
between love and his duty. Most likely, he will have to complete
a career as a pilot that can not hurt William. Well, at least though
would Kate be to her husband a little more often.