The court has not approved the claim of the parents of the deceased actor against a car dealer. Mother and father Anton Elchina, which this summer ran over the car, tried to deal with the manufacturer of Jeep brand Grand Cherokee.
The parents of the actor Anton Elchina Victor and Irina filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer and dealer Jeep Grand Cherokee. The machine of this brand was giving their son to the iron gate. According to the legal representative and the family of the deceased star of “star trek” and “Terminator” was due to negligence by the automaker as released a series of faulty models of jeeps.
“Anton died because of a defect of Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015 model year. Company Fiat Chrysler knew about these defects but did not take action to protect families who trusted them. The profit for this company more important than safety. We intend to achieve justice,” – said earlier the lawyer of the family Eljenih.
However, the dealer stated that has nothing to do with this. Representatives of the company, Fiat Chrysler said that the actor himself is guilty of death. Shortly before that Yelchin made changes to the machine settings Jeep Grand Cherokee. Irina and Viktor will not be able to prove the opposite in court, since the car has not been preserved. For this reason, the automotive center, sold the jeep, asks to be relieved of his responsibility for the death of Anton.
Recall that Anton Yelchin died 19 June. For some reason the actor got out of the car, not putting it on the hand brake. The car rolled down the slope and covered the owner between myself and the gate house. All the friends and family of stars could not believe what happened, so I started to search for to blame for the tragedy. “StarHit” learned from a specialist in numerology Clara Kuzenbaeva, could the death ELCI to be violent. She denied this version.
Anton Yelchin was suffering from depression
“On March 24 in the life of Anton, the year of the energy decline. Such periods are very dangerous for people who are already prone to mood swings. As a rule, because of the decline they begin to lose vigilance, become scattered and inattentive. Besides, June 19, died when Anton was already for him on the basis of numerological calculations, a day of karmic triangle – the day when accidents happen, theft and other misfortunes. Every person these days, usually in year three to six. In such days need to be especially careful to think through every step. But Anton, unfortunately, acted rashly, and his carelessness cost him his life. I’m sure it was an accident – the option of violent death I rule,” said numerologist.