В Москве представили первого в мире робота-аллергика
Famous media artist have developed robotic art object called Allerpet.

Famous media artist Dmitry Morozov was thinking about how the Allergy would appear at the robotic being and created the robot-“allergies”. Allerpet — the so-called job is an interactive kinetic sound and visual object that reacts to the surrounding stimuli and, under certain conditions, exhibits an “allergic” reaction.

In normal mode, the installation demonstrates the fluidity and rhythm of movement, meditative emits musical tones, abstract graphics on the screen relaxed and pleasant to observe. However, when the number of irritants in the environment, the object happens to be the “allergic attack”, which leads to malfunction of the robot. It is evident from the dramatic sounds of spasmodic vibration and other similar symptoms of the “malaise” of a cybernetic organism. Performance Allerpet restored only after taking pills “Aerius” — she gradually leads him back to normal.

Cybernetic object, created in the image and likeness of the living creatures is intended to draw attention to the problem of allergies and to look at the symptoms of the disease with non-obvious angle. Watching the emotional manifestation of the “allergic reactions” of the robot, you can see the condition in which remains the Allergy in the period of exacerbation of the disease.

The installation demonstrates the effectiveness of “Aerius” — one pill even the robot helps to get rid of disturbing symptoms.

“Allerpet” will be presented at the Moscow Multimedia Art Museum from April 28 to may 4.

Learn more about the pill box “Aerius Control” on the official website of the brand www.эриус.рус