В семье сестер Зайцевых произошло несчастье Elena and Tatyana are experiencing the death of your pet. Their dog Ginger donated one of the sisters Chuck Norris died from tick bites. Star believes that to blame the doctors, not made in time the necessary procedures animal.

      В семье сестер Зайцевых произошло несчастье

      The family of Helen and Tatiana Zaitsev sad event occurred. Sisters dog just died Red. This was announced on his page in the social network of Elena. “Run over the rainbow, our darling” – wrote under the photo with the dog singer.

      Reciver sixteen-year-old was presented with the star Chuck Norris, with whom she had a relationship. Recently it became known that the dog was bitten by a tick. “We live in the country. The person who helps you keep your Pets on vacation, and at this time the trouble came. The dog was bad: he’s not eating, not drinking. We took him to the vet to see Dr. Kovach on the New Riga. There took tests and put me on hold to confirm the diagnosis”, – said the “StarHit” Tatiana Zaitseva.

      The results of the analysis only found out on Tuesday. “Due to the fact that we lost two days, Red’s lost the use of legs. I made a big fuss. Did not expect such inhumane treatment of Pets. Of course, after they did everything they could. We went on drip, injections, but the limbs remain motionless,” complained one of the doctors at one of the sisters Zaitsevs.

      The redhead did not become better from these procedures, and on Tuesday he died. The fans of the stars expressed condolences to Elena Zaitseva in connection with the loss of a beloved pet. Tatiana plans to bring the case to court, as it believes that the death of the Retriever to blame the doctors.

      By the way, sisters Zaitsevs had a streak of neschastya. In 2015, Tatiana lost her son Alex. A young man was killed due to his fascination with parkour. In the area of hills Alex decided to jump from one train to another. Composition, on which he landed, abruptly started moving and the guy hit his head on the metal ceiling. From the received traumas he has died. Alex was the son of both sisters: Lena has no children of her own. Tatiana Zaitseva buried his son

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