Недуг на месяц приковал Елену Воробей к кровати
Famous comedian Elena Sparrow shared a very personal and sad story.

Недуг на месяц приковал Елену Воробей к кровати

The revelation Elena decided in honor of the round date. We will remind, on June 5, Sparrow celebrated the anniversary, the artist turned 50 years old.

On this day, the star of Comedy remembered the disappointing story of how the week was confined to bed due to illness.

Недуг на месяц приковал Елену Воробей к кровати

“It was my first strong love. Then I met with a young man, who is very jealous. I stood in the cold for about seven hours in light clothing: guard who besides me will come out of his apartment. No one came out. I got cystitis and pyelonephritis, a month could not move. Now I can understand that when a person loves, he will never hurt you – and it makes no sense to risk your health!”

– Elena says in an interview with Woman Hit.

We wish the artist no longer get sick, and live happily ever after!

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