The actor hugged the bride Fyodor Bondarchuk. Igor Vernik has shared a photo with the girl on the page in a social network. As she stands back, only the most attentive followers of the artist recognized in her the Paulina Andreev.
Igor Vernik spends the evening at rehearsals in the theater. The actor involved in the productions of the Moscow art theatre. Chekhov. The actor shared the picture with colleagues in his microblog. On pictures wernick passionately holds a slender brunette for the spicy part of the body. The most attentive followers of the men recognized her as a bride a novel, Paulina Andreev. The girl works in tandem with Igor in the performance “№13D”, which belongs to Vladimir Mashkov. The actress also studied with the father of Emil wernick. Occasionally they are found in the walls of the theater, and in the evenings conducted by the troupe of the Moscow art theatre. Chekhov.
Secret weapon of bride Bondarchuk: what is the strength Paulina Andreeva
I think Paulina is dressed in leather leggings and sneakers, but even in this way it attracts attention. Many colleagues Andreeva has noted that it has a special charm and sexuality. She has several years of performing on the theatrical stage, and in 2007 began to build his film career. Familiarity with Fedor Bondarchuk brought Pauline not only colourful role in several scenes, and women’s happiness. This spring it became known that between them began a romantic relationship.
Surrounded by all of the Director once said that the actress will fit perfectly. Also friends and acquaintances of a novel does not skimp on the compliments to the 28-year-old star. “Paulina introduced to me by Michelle at a party “Kinotavr” this summer, – has shared with “StarHit” designer Denis Simachev. – She has a not Russian type, I’d say Los Angeles. Her are equally as elegant designer dresses and simple shirts with jeans and sneakers. Very showy girl. Lean, with long legs. It is a sample model appearance – though now on a podium.”
Recall that a very soon to be married Paulina Andreeva and Fedor Bondarchuk. However, most likely, the celebration will pass in a narrow circle, and abroad. The lovers already have chosen a picturesque place in Spain, where they plan to formalize the relationship. Theodore and Pauline are not shy to show their passionate feelings in public, so together attend the premiere secular and posing for dozens of photographers in an embrace.