The actor and his wife staged a double celebration. The happy parents of an eight month old baby in one day signed and gave an oath before God. On this auspicious day for the couple next to them were the relatives and closest friends.
That 39-year-old Igor Petrenko and his girlfriend, 25-year-old actress Christina Brody finally told each other “Yes”, “StarHit” pisla last weekend. The lovers exchanged rings in one of registry offices of the Kaliningrad. This city pair was chosen specifically – to have their family celebration was held incognito away from prying eyes. Igor Petrenko is married to the mother of your child
A modest registration was attended by only relatives of the couple: from St. Petersburg came the bride’s parents Ilona and David, from Moscow – mom and dad Petrenko, Peter V. and Tatiana, they brought the sons of actor, from his marriage with Ekaterina Klimova – Matthew and Corneille.
Friends the couple invited to the wedding, which took place a few days later in one of the churches in Kaliningrad region.
“I was invited, but could not come, – has shared with “StarHit” the State Duma Deputy Andrei Lugovoi. – Just I got two holidays: the guys married 19 September – my birthday, I was in Krasnodar. I congratulated Igor and Kristina on the phone.”
After the ceremony in the temple, the couple together with relatives and friends went to the restaurant.
“Kristina had two dresses, – told the “StarHit” surrounded by Petrenko and Brodsky. First, in the Greek style she wore to the wedding, the second, also white, in half – on the feast. Guests gathered about 40 people, they were entertained by the host and cover band, and in the end the triumph of made berry cake.”
Petrenko few months I had to wait before Brody agreed to go with him under the crown – a proposal he made earlier in the year. This is despite the fact that the pair have shared eight month old daughter, Sophia Caroline. She, incidentally, was the real star of the wedding – danced with the guests and conquered it all.