Игорь Николаев объяснил, почему перестал сотрудничать с Ириной Аллегровой
Thanks to the collaboration of composer Igor Nikolaev and singer Irina Allegrova got a lot of hits.

Игорь Николаев объяснил, почему перестал сотрудничать с Ириной Аллегровой

Some time ago the singer wanted to collaborate with Igor, but the composer himself is in no hurry to do that. In a recent interview with Nikolaev admitted, why has suspended cooperation with Allegrova.

Игорь Николаев объяснил, почему перестал сотрудничать с Ириной Аллегровой

“I think Irina’s old songs interesting. If suddenly we became new, and songs would appear. I wrote: more than twenty songs. I think I voted on all issues. It was funny, and funny, and tragic songs. These directions are then used by other composers after me and continue to do so,” said the composer.

In the words of Nikolaev, it will write to Irina’s new hit, if it will have a completely new idea.

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