Муж Марины Александровой озвучил причины, способствующие их расставанию
Director Andrey Boltenko and Russian actress Marina Aleksandrova has been together for eight years, but they have some problems.

Муж Марины Александровой озвучил причины, способствующие их расставанию

Recall, the couple has two growing children and, it seems that this is the real happiness. Andrew created the Eurovision song contest in Moscow and the Sochi Olympics, it took an incredible amount of time.

Муж Марины Александровой озвучил причины, способствующие их расставанию

He Boltenko talks about Alliance with Marina:

“If I was on the site of the Marina, I would have kicked myself, because it is impossible to live with the person who is doing the Olympics and three years in constant travel around the world. The opening of the Olympic games in a sense, was through her patience, support, and even tears. She’s a famous actress and I understand that for many viewers, I now just husband of Marina Alexandrova. And, you know, it suits me”.

Fortunately, a couple and not getting a divorce. They both realize that it’s just a job, but most importantly – family.

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