Муж Ирены Понарошку привез из России опасный вирус
Presenter is sure that got infected from their spouse.

Irena Ponaroshku

Photo: @irenaponaroshku Instagram Irena Ponaroshku

Irena Ponaroshku fell ill with symptoms of viral illness shortly after his return from Russia. Now the TV star with мужемDJ List live in Thailand, and his native land spouses fly on business trips. So, in one of those trips, the musician returned sick and at the same time infected the whole family, including six sons Seraphim. A few days Irena’t been in touch with friends. All this time she struggled with a high fever.

“Only my husband could bring with touring in addition to gifts, children’s books, seeds and buckwheat, bonus furious virus! The entire family fell ill for three days with a temperature of 38-39, terrible cough, headaches and night nonsense. I now long to be able to look at ginger-lemon tea.For all who are sick with this shit for a speedy recovery!” — told today in social networks Irene.

For fun for many years did not enjoy the achievements of traditional medicine of pills in the house the presenter contains only vitamins. With colds and viruses the family of Irena struggles with traditional methods. Recently she spoke about what a positive influenced life in Asia. “I don’t know why it stuck to Asia, — says TV presenter. — I love to have everything sterile, all to wipe antibacterial napkins, sanitized, husband after the tour, be boiled in bleach! But here my OCD somehow let go… I can walk barefoot through the Parking lot at the local market, though in Moscow in the dressing room of the boutique I was standing on the bags.And here I do not care that the stains on the shirt son’s Seraphim can recognize all of his daily intake. So consider that I’m here going through forced psychiatric treatment. Went to the mud, so to speak!”