Муж Анны Грачевской подарил ей остров в Малайзии Basketball player Artem Kuzyakin made favorite wedding gift. Beloved Anna Grachevskii long time thought how to surprise his wife, and has opted for a truly Royal.

      Муж Анны Грачевской подарил ей остров в Малайзии

      Two years it took Anna so after her divorce from founder of “Eralash” Boris Grachevsky to find a new love. 6 Jun held her wedding with basketball player Artem Kuzyakina. To the planned celebration of the lovers was prepared with all the responsibility – the last few months, they dealt exclusively with issues that concerned their wedding.

      Anna Grachevskaya married a second time. PHOTO

      A couple of vstrechalsya with the organizers, chose the cake, decorations for the ceremony and restaurants as well as the rehearsed wedding dance. In short, Anna and Tom was entirely absorbed by the cares of the occasion. However, the beloved TV presenter has found a way to take care of how to surprise your beloved with a special gift. The groom made his future wife a Royal gift island in Malaysia.

      “Temic chose a long time how to surprise Anya – says “StarHit” Andrew, a colleague kuzjakina. – And decided that the jewels, star watch… it’s all wrong! You need to play big. The island has treated the Subject in three million roubles. He is now considering building a house where you can retreat with the beloved.”

      Those who actively follow the life of the former wife of the Creator of the “jumble”, you know that with the advent in her life of Artem Kizâkova much has changed. For example, a young mother was less likely to be in the secular parties and enjoys spending time at home in the company of loved ones. The boy cares not only about her but her little daughter Vasilisa – she was used to him and his children Rita and Mark.

      “Artem gets along well with Bob. Wears it around his neck, watching cartoons with her, feeds her… And Joe loves the game “labyrinth” – when Artem is, and he has her between his long legs creeps – shared Anna with “StarHit”. – Generally Vasilisa we have a Princess in the morning her first question: “Where is my jewelry, perfume and sweet?” Waking up, my daughter immediately dress up: put on fancy dress, rings, bracelets, shoes… And then goes to lunch! Fortunately, the daughter became friends with Rita and mark. When Artem’s calling them, Peter, Bob definitely takes the phone, and they asked each other, how anyone care who does what. They even called each other “brother”, “sister”… It’s very cute!”

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