Hugh Jackman is not only a beautiful man and talented actor, he is also extremely intelligent husband, who knows the secret to a strong and happy marriage.
At that time, how many women are doing everything possible to please her husband, the star of “X-Men” I am confident that the men should do the same.
According to the Australian, which this year will celebrate 20-th wedding anniversary with his wife Deborrah-Lee, the secret lies in the happiness of a woman.
“Happy wife – happy life”, — said the performer as Wolverine.
Note that 47-year-old Hugh is still, as 20 years ago, idolizes his 60-year-old wife and thank her every day because she is in his life.
Recall that the celebrity wedding was held in April 1996 in Melbourne. Unfortunately, their children are the actors didn’t get, but they still found someone to give their love and care. Now Deborra and Hugh raising adopted children Oscar and Ava.