Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

The creators of the project Cut, made famous thanks to the videos about the evolution over the last 100 years of women’s and men’s fashion, makeup, hairstyles and not only, this time turned to the history of transformation of the image of the women of Egypt.

In the video is clearly seen, as in the 30s, the traditional Muslim women’s dress comes in European fashion. But in the 90s back conservative views on lifestyle – women covered their heads again.

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This time, the network appeared the video not only with evolution, but also another entry which talks about how to create video and what started stylists. For example, look 30-ies was inspired by the famous Egyptian singer and actress Umm Kulthum, and a 40-x be read the image of the Princess of Egypt Fuad Fawzia.

We are not trying to ignite controversy, we want to make people aware that the veil in the West and East – the concept is different. The West has made its choice in favor of the oppression of Arab and Muslim women.Standards of beauty depend on what is happening around them – aesthetics, art and, of course, politicians. Every decade covered in our video is a great example of how varied political views,- said the creators of the movie where the image of the women of Egypt after 2010 was accompanied by revolutionary symbols of the “Arab spring” wave of demonstrations and coups, the main idea that reflects the slogan “the People want the fall of the regime”.

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Interestingly, the participants prepare project Cut to present to the audience next time? While we continue to view the images of Egypt women in different decades, starting in 1910.

Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

Как менялся образ женщин Египта за последние 100 лет: тенденции моды в двух минутах

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