The presenter insulted one of the participants “Houses-2”.
To the fact that at a national telestroke from the construction process were only infernal vocabulary superintendents, we are accustomed to. Daily project happen squabbles, fights, brawls and other conflicts. And often from the mouths of elated and spoiled people’s love of the participants flying the battle, the variety of which would be envied by Sergey Shnurov, and Nikita Dzhigurda. This time, however, the inhabitants of the “House-2” have surpassed themselves. One of the participants, Alexandra Goias, dared to offend the leading show – Olga Buzova.
Olga Buzova
Alexander Gosias
The scandal broke on Calvary. Examining the relations Konstantin Ivanov, Alexandra Goias and her little daughter from his first marriage, Buzova, quoting the psychologist, called Sasha a bad mother.
The participant did not keep itself waiting long with the answer. Gosias loudly and clearly, as if reciting Mayakovsky coined the well-known phrase, sending Buzova in the “far journey”.
From rudeness Alexandra Olga first even lost the gift of speech. However, soon struck the offender with an angry tirade, calling her to leave the project.
About having gone if Gosias from the show and supported her Ivanov, we will know soon.
Do you watch “House-2”?
- This is my favorite show on TV!
- Sometimes. It is interesting to observe, how to build relationships other people
- A couple of times accidentally included(-a) and involved(-as)
- Looking ahead(-a). In school yet. Then the show was really interesting
- I have no TV
- Do not watch such programs…
- Other (write in comments)