Прошла церемония прощания с сестрой Андрея Григорьева-Аполлонова
Recently family and friends gathered in Sochi to bid farewell to the sister of Andrei Grigoriev-Apollo.

Прошла церемония прощания с сестрой Андрея Григорьева-Аполлонова

The woman died last Friday at the age of 51 years. Report that Julia died of acute pulmonary insufficiency. She has long been asthma, which apparently caused complications.

Прошла церемония прощания с сестрой Андрея Григорьева-Аполлонова

Civil husband Oleg Yakovlev Alexander Kutsevol said that a few days before death spoke with Julia and she was fine.

“Julia… in less than 40 days left Oleg. So… How is it! Little more than a day ago, we talked for an hour on the phone. Everything, as always. And about the mission in this world. Julia… “ula”, as you called Oleg. And you recorded in his phone. You loved him, called “my mishnock”. And he loved you. All loved you. Julia! Good-bye,” – said Kutsevol.

All in shock from what happened and Express my sympathy.

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