Хизер Локлир избила бойфренда в целях самозащиты

In late February, the 56-year-old star of TV series “Melrose place” Heather Locklear was arrested by California police for beating his boyfriend Chris Heisser and assault on law enforcement. It’s been two weeks and in the network appeared the first details of the incident. She said Locklear, beat it boyfriend, and in self-defense. Such an act, she saved my life.

Хизер Локлир избила бойфренда в целях самозащиты

Official information: documents prepared by a senior Deputy Sheriff for Ventura County Kate Hall, during a quarrel with Locklear, Gasser tried to strangle her. “Locklear stated that her life was under threat. She was afraid that he would kill her. According to Locklear, boyfriend choked her for quite a long time, she almost lost consciousness.”

Jasser denied all the words of the girl: “I never touched her.” As he said Chris Locklear attacked him. “The police, who arrived on a call, saw that Heisser bleeding from his nose and on his chest stood out traces of blows. Hasser said Locklear attacked him in the bedroom, he tried to defend himself. She beat him with her fists and biting. It’s crazy, according to Chasser, lasted about 20-30 minutes,” — wrote in his report the Hall, where he noted that “the warlike spirit Locklear is not lost even after the arrival of the police.”

“Locklear attacked the police, seeking to put them out of the house. But after a failed attempt tried to hide in the bedroom, but the Sheriff managed to expose his leg in the doorway to stop her. Then she punched the Sheriff kicked in the Shin and shouted, “Get out of my house!”

Despite the resistance, the police managed to arrest Locklear and take her to the station. “You deserve to have your children died! And when that happens, remember me,” he called, as he writes in the report Hall, the celebrity Sheriff, who signed her in handcuffs.

That night Locklear was threatening the cops that shoot them. This prompted the police to issue a warrant for the search of housing the stars in search of firearms, which she promised to shoot the police. After a search the weapons were found.

One source said the possible cause of this behavior of the stars. He believes that Heather is once again hooked on illegal drugs, which allowed themselves such behavior. Last year, the media reported that Locklear re-treated from the effects of substance abuse.

“All hope that she gets better and she gets better. It is obvious that the relationship she is very strong. Family and friends wish her only the best, but none of them could help her if she did not want it. I hope that soon it will turn to professionals,” says an insider.