Харрисон Форд спас жертву ДТП
75-year-old actor has not lost the “heroic” skills.

Харрисон Форд спас жертву ДТП

Harrison Ford


at his advanced age, Harrison Ford is still capable of
heroic deeds, and not only on the screen. Recently Ford saved the life of
women whose car broke down on the highway.

Harrison was driving his car on the highway East of Santa Barbara, when
moving in front of him, the car suddenly “swerved” to the side, and flew into
ditch, turned over a couple of times along the way. Fortunately, the car got stuck in the bushes
that kept her from falling to far down slope the concrete pad.
However, the door of the victim’s car from blow has jammed, and the woman lost

who was closest to the scene of the accident, an emergency halt, jumped out of
of his car and ran to the victim’s wrecked car. Finding that the door does not open, he broke the window and started
to pull the victim through the window.
Soon he could come to the aid other drivers and together they freed the woman
from “captivity”.

Ford, as an experienced motorist
I realized that I have to hurry, because if the gas tank was broken,
machine, along with who was in the cabin lady, could explode. So Harrison
and he was in danger, but ignored the risk to save someone else’s life.

the story ended happily: the Ambulance called to the scene
brought the victim to the hospital. And now, reportedly, her life, nothing
danger. As for Ford, he went on about his business — in
the nearest airfield to where he sat behind the wheel of his beloved
aircraft. Because Ford, despite his age and happened to him for two years.
ago a horrible accident, still a lot of flies, personally driving his “winged

Harrison Ford