Возмужавший сын Ольги Орловой вырос ее копией
Artem was 17 years old.

Olga Orlova

Photo: Instagram

Olga Orlova warmly congratulated on the birthday of his son
Artem. Looking at the starry mom it’s hard to believe, but today the young man
was 17 years old. “Happy birthday, my adult child! My shoulder, my
support and my friend! Be always healthy and happy! I love you!” —
signed the singer shared with Artem the, published in the personal microblog. Fans
the star, congratulating her and Artem on this happy event, noted that
the boy is very like her, same facial features, eyes and a winning smile.

Star doesn’t like to advertise personal life and rarely
publishes on the social network page photos of his son. The exception she makes
once a year, when congratulates Artem with birthday. In an interview with
correspondent 7Дней.ги Orlova told how she raises her son.

I think that children should grow up in reverence and respect to their parents. They
need to know what they can and cannot do. In my opinion, they are nothing
to allow. But, of course, need to ask their opinion and what they want. Because
they need to understand and shape their desires from childhood. Actually, no
a single recipe for education. It all depends on the child and his mother”, —
said Olga.