Внучка Стриженова породнится с Дианой Шурыгиной
Alexander chose the infamous heroine of “Let them talk” godmother of their child.

Внучка Стриженова породнится с Дианой Шурыгиной

Diana Shurygina son Oleksandra Golosinas Alan

Alexander Golosina

Photo: Instagram

Granddaughter of Oleg Strizhenova Alexander Golosina, positioning
itself to the Network under the name of Alexander Strizhenova, became a mother for the fourth time in
March of this year. Recently she has taken aback the Internet users voicing
candidate godmother to two-month old son Alan. The daughter of the first wife
actor Natalia was published in the personal microblog picture of Diana Shurygina,
became famous after the release of the show “Let them talk”, with a baby in her arms.

“Today you two months, my mother, signed Holoshyna the.
— How have you changed since birth. I very much enjoy your
achievements. Together, you and I, baby, pass all tests, whatever they
was. We love you, our baby. I hope that after all aunt Diane will be
your godmother. Rusty, son, and bring joy to us all!” Internet users in a very rude manner condemned the choice
mothers, explaining to her that Diana, known only to history
rape and meme “On the bottom” is unlikely to be a good godmother.

However, the name itself Alexandra long been associated with the scandalous
stories. So, a few years ago Golosina became a surrogate mother. It
customers gave birth to twins, and when they refused, left them in
the child’s home. At the same time, nurturing babies for nine months, Alexander
admitted that he did it solely for mercenary reasons, and she
absolutely not interested in the fate of these children. Director Alexander Strizhenov as
in fact uncle Golosinas, repeatedly asked not to associate the granddaughter of his father
him and his family. “After it 15 years ago insulted my father,
his grandfather, and decided to live independently, we do not communicate. It was her choice.
I don’t know anything about this person and don’t want to know!” — said Alexander
Strizhenov in an interview.