Внучка Любови Полищук покорила пользователей соцсети
Seven touched the barbarian followers of the Pope.

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Family of Lyubov Polishchuk is a unique example of nature is not always “resting” on the children and grandchildren of the legendary artists. The son of actress Alexey Makarov was not deprived of talent, as, indeed, his daughter. Seven years, Barbara has managed to get his first role in a movie, and go to the stage. Their parents every day she surprises with its creativity, and recently, she wins the social network.

Daughter of Alexey Makarova and Victoria Bohatyryova.

Photo: @makarov_alexey_ Instagram Alexey Makarov

Many fans of Alex are sure that the barbarian grows a copy of his grandmother. It definitely has a resemblance to Love death, but even more she like her charm and charisma. Recently Alex showed his daughter having fun at home on the weekends. As befits the granddaughter of the famous actress, she tries on different roles: she is a singer, and tomorrow is the lady in homemade evening dress and mom’s shoes…

Alex himself is surprised how easily Barbara given transformation. “Knit blanket, cat leash, your mother’s shoes (never mind that tight) and a bit of own creativity of the seven years miss. And once the space was transformed. The smell of creamy curtain of heavy velvet, drop-down on the casket mahogany with pendants Queen. Darted bats echoing under the arches of the castle. The cat bowed his face in pseudopotential. I first flustered, then priezastys, then automatically moved for You, furtively checking to see if holey socks. Sorry that has left the cylinder, Cape, cane and dueling pistols in the trunk. Aware of his own irrelevance in this context. Given the training pants and the stubble. Conclusions and photos…” — signed one of the last pictures of Alexei. Makarov asked subscribers often publish photos of daughters — seven year old Barbara had a fan club.