Попали под горячую руку: Мэрайя Кэри уволила большую часть своей команды

Mariah Carey

Lately in the life of Mariah Carey a lot. And the changes affected not only the personal life of the singer (in January star announced her engagement to billionaire James Packer), but also its working environment. Celebrity fired most of his team.

The reason Carey decided to point at the door to their now ex-employees is simple – according to the star the members of her team did not put its interests above all else.

I fired almost all their team, because I realized that my interests are not their priority. My new team, including my Manager, the best in show business and, more importantly, in my life. Now I am much more organized and financially successful than before,

– told Mariah to one of the Western media.

Попали под горячую руку: Мэрайя Кэри уволила большую часть своей команды
Mariah Carey

Попали под горячую руку: Мэрайя Кэри уволила большую часть своей команды

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