"Got slapped in the face": Anita Tsoi spoke about a date with her husband Singer Anita Tsoi is already married 31 year.

"Got smacked in the face": Anita Tsoi talked about a date with her husband Her wedding came according to Korean traditions, when parents find a life partner for their daughter. Newlyweds meet only on their wedding day.

"Got slapped in the face": Anita Tsoi told about a date with her husband

But Anita's future husband, Sergey, decided to break these laws and get to know the chosen one before the celebration.

As a result, they saw each other eight times. Once Sergei invited Anita to a restaurant where the gypsies sang the song “Black Eyes” for her, and then offered to have a drink at brotherhood, kissing Anita at the end.

"Got slapped in the face": Anita Tsoi told about a date with her husband

The girl was so indignant that she slapped Sergey in the face.

“I I was not ready for this in any way, because my mother brought up that a man should take care of for a long time. And for this he received a slap in the face from me. After that, our evening ended, I told him: “You know, no one takes care of girls like that,” and ran away “, Anita laughs.

Fortunately, this did not bother her future husband, he continued to seek the favor of his beloved, which led to a happy marriage.

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