From a new apartment, the girl will go to study in school.
Singer Fame never suffered prejudice. After 14 years of marriage she is in no hurry to marry! And in matters of education was a very modern mom — the Actress has allowed her daughter-the senior to live with a guy.
In the words of the singer, Sasha (the name of the eldest daughter of the singer. – Approx. ed.) with a young man serious. And the celebrity personally acquainted with her boyfriend’s daughter… and therefore sees nothing wrong if the girl early start family life.
“Recently we met with his parents, and decided to remove our children an apartment next to Sasha’s school – admitted the singer in an interview with Hello. — The fact that we live out of town, the road to school takes her two hours. I felt sorry for Sasha, when she would get up every day at 5:30 in the morning and sleepy going to class… And I gave my consent to her moving”.
Sasha and Dmitry has already managed to improve family life. She completely took over all the chores around the house, preparing a favorite dinner. Moreover, young people have got a cat.
Curiously, when Sasha was born, the Glory was only 19 years old. And, apparently, the star mother prepared for the fact that her daughter will repeat her fate.
“You may not believe me, but I really want to be a grandmother. I know I’ll right superbible” – continued the artist.