Подружки Тейлор Свифт заподозрили, что новый бойфренд ее использует
Joe Alvin makes a career thanks to his affair with the singer.

Подружки Тейлор Свифт заподозрили, что новый бойфренд ее использует

Taylor Swift


Joe Elvin


Taylor Swift
decidedly unlucky in his personal life. How do you think the friend of the singer, her new
boyfriend — Jo Alvin — got together with her purely for personal gain. And,
their suspicion is not entirely unfounded. This was reported by the newspaper The Globe.

In fact, any
knight, who began an affair with such a prominent girl like Taylor, immediately
is at the center of everyone’s attention. And this opens up excellent
prospects on the part of the career. Girlfriend 27-year-old swift became suspicious
when Taylor and Joe have just started Dating. The fact is, 26-year-old Joe only
start a career. In fact, while he managed to “light up” just
one notable film, released last year — “Long way to go Billy Lynn in
the break of a football match”, and then praised him mostly connoisseurs
an independent movie. But at the same time, Alvin is extremely ambitious and dreams of becoming a star
of the first magnitude.

amazing that even though he started Dating Taylor for only a couple of months ago,
he suddenly began to receive new interesting offers. It’s hard to tell, helped
if he what his pictures with swift
flashed on the pages of Newspapers, or Taylor was able to provide him the patronage…
anyway, recently Joe suggested, among other things, the role in the promising new project, “Mary,
the Queen of Scotland,” where he will play the role of the lover of Elizabeth I. Partner Alvin in this movie
becomes popular, young and very attractive actress Margot Robbie.

the future will show, whether justified suspicions of friends Taylor. By the way,
previous boyfriend swift — actor Tom Hiddleston, who is said to
tried to act according to the same “script”, failed to achieve the goal. After all
although when he started Dating Taylor he was intended for the role of James bond in
the next film of the franchise, this never happened. While it is unknown whether the next 007 again David Craig, but the producers
the franchise is definitely refused. And,
according to the detractors of the actor, it was one of the reasons for his sudden
breaking up with swift.