Галина Юдашкина заметно постройнела после родов The daughter of well-known fashion designer making every effort to achieve the perfect shape. According to Galina Yudashkina, she left to work a month to come to the desired result.

      Галина Юдашкина заметно постройнела после родов

      Galina Yudashkin I first became a mom three months ago. The grandson of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin came to light in early April. The baby, who was named Anatoly, was born in a clinic in new York. The child’s father is her husband Umaskini Peter Maksakov, who, like his wife, is heir to a famous family.

      Marina Yudashkin for the first time about her grandson: “the Boy is very well mannered and quiet”

      A young mother very responsibility reacted to the resumption of exercise after delivery. At the behest of the doctors she waited for the first month to allow your body to fully recover. Then the daughter of Yudashkin took himself in hand, sat on a diet and has become heavily involved in sports.

      Our son is now Anatolia for three months, and his mother is happy to report to his fans about the first successful results of weight loss. Galina has published in Instagram selfie in which she poses in a tight tracksuit.

      “Well, I’m close to your result, a month is left until the goal, wrote Galina. Want back your weight and tone”.

      It should be noted that the figure of the star looks slim and toned. It was noticed by the followers of Galina, and hastened to support it.

      “Galina, you unicka great and good”, “keep it up”, “you have Amazing form. Bravo”, “Great! In such a short time to look like, And how much weight you gained and how much have you lost?” – asked followers. “Gained 20 pounds, and got rid of 15” – said Yudashkin.

      We will note that Valentin and Marina Yudashkina possibly relieve the daughter from the mother’s worries and let her deal with them. Grandparents devote all his time to his grandson Anatolia. They loved the baby and are always ready to be there for him.

      “My husband really likes the new role: to baby, walk the baby, change diapers, says “StarHit” Marina Yudashkin. – The boy is very well behaved and calm for no reason no screaming, no crying. Bought our Anatoly Petrovich lot of dowry: diaper, Romper suits, so you in all its glory out. Friends gave big jacket Burberry. But while trimming baby in simple heresnye vests – he’s constantly all stain, so expensive things still out of place”.

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