The daughter of the fashion designer took to the runway together with Anatoly. Galina Yudashkin has acted as the art Director of the fashion house Valentin Yudashkin. The heir and his mother visited a parade of the brand within the fashion Week in Paris.
Daughter of the famous designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina first became a mother in April this year. Since then her life has changed dramatically. All the free time she began to devote his young heir to Anatolia, which was named after her grandfather wife of Peter Maksakova. Despite the fact that Galina is quite often shared pictures of her son and the news about him, but never showed his face to the wider public.
Today in Paris Galina Yudashkin presented a new collection of Valentin Yudashkin and announced to everyone about his new role in the fashion House of the father– now she is the chair of art Director. At the fashion show in the French capital, a young mother came to the podium to greet the audience, together with a small son in her arms. All guests of the show were able to see the face of the boy. Also Galina posted a picture in the blog so all the fans could get acquainted with a little work.
“Here we are – Anatoly Petrovich and I closing the show in Paris,” wrote gleefully young mother on the social network page.
Fans were amazed and did not spare compliments to mother and son. They noted that, apparently, the boy very calmly reacted to the huge hall, and spotlights the unusual situation – not capricious and does not cry. Also among the fans started a debate on who is more like the heir to Galina and Peter. “So calm. Not scared is he?” “Well, saw baby and like dad!”, “Wow, what a little fashionista, a trendy hunk in the arms of mom”, “Very cool, great idea to present for the first time the baby this way” – glad fans Umaskini.
The famous couturier didn’t honor the audience with his presence because of the surgery, which moved a few days before departure to Paris. However, Galina together with Marina Yudashkina able to adequately present the collection spring-summer 2017 at fashion Week. Marina Yudashkin about the health of her husband: “it All happened suddenly”