Набравшая вес Арина Шарапова борется с лишними килограммами
Famous TV presenter Arina Sharapova for a long time trying to lose weight, and about a year ago, she lost 11 pounds.

Набравшая вес Арина Шарапова борется с лишними килограммами

But, of course, the Christmas holidays had a negative impact on the shape of a star, so she decided to join the program Elena Malysheva “lose Weight after the New year”, as reported in his microblog.

Набравшая вес Арина Шарапова борется с лишними килограммами

“After the New year almost everything in our country has gained weight. Two to three kilograms – is sacred. Due to the movement of buckwheat, we were joined by Yuri Grymov, who is going to lose weight, Barbara, my husband Edward, Olga Grymov. We all sit in the restaurant, but we don’t. Start moving “lose Weight after the New year. All the while. Elena, I am with you” – said TV presenter.

Recall that last spring, Arina called for the transfer of Elena Malysheva “Live healthy”, in which he shared his success in losing weight.

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