Федора Бондарчука заставили похудеть к свадьбе Friends of the star couple tell that the Director is in love with the actress as a kid. In addition, according to them, a new relationship was beneficial to him. Bondarchuk not only like younger, but dropped a few pounds.

      Федора Бондарчука заставили похудеть к свадьбе

      Six months ago, 27-year-old Paulina Andreev was known only as the actress who played the role of singer in the TV series “the Thaw” and the assistant hero Konstantin Khabensky in “the Method”. But recently its merits have added a new status – a beloved novel.

      “I’m glad that Fedor changed his life for the better – recognized producer Alexander Rodnyansky, a friend of the Director. – He always looks good, takes care of himself, but now literally glows, slimmer, and younger. He became more energy.”

      They say that the first Fedor Andreev saw last fall, when he came to see the play, Vladimir Mashkov “№13D”. Paulina plays a Secretary who runs around the stage in her underwear, showing off long legs and hourglass figure.

      “She works with my brother Igor, – has shared with “StarHit” Vadim Vernik. – And the School-Studio of MKHAT she taught our father Emil. He admired the student and said that it will make a strong actress.”

      Igor Vernik and allegedly played a fatal role in the fate of beauty – one of the friendly parties introduced her to Theodore. The novel has grown so rapidly that soon Paulina moved from a tiny apartment provided by the theatre, and settled in the apartment of a novel.

      “He fell in love with as a boy – say “StarHit” friends of the couple. – Took her to restaurants, gave flowers and diamonds.

      Soon there were rumors about the divorce, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk. They were together 25 years, but their relationship has long been stalled. And on March 19 in his “Instagrame” Svetlana announced that they decided to divorce. So in June of this year, nothing prevented the Director to appear with a lawyer at the closing ceremony of the festival “Kinotavr”. Fyodor Bondarchuk has officially unveiled the bride

      Now the lovers are working together on the series “Sleeping”: Bondarchuk it produces, and plays the role of policy, and Paulina without casting one of the roles of the second plan.

      “In the story, they will have several intersections in the frame, – said the costume designer Natalia Kanevskaya. – All know that they’re a couple, but on the filming, both keep their distance”.

      Another joint project – the film “Gravity.” Director: Bondarchuk, and Andreeva played in the film soundtrack Closer.

      “I wrote the words to the song, – has shared with “StarHit” Ivan Burlyaev, nephew of Theodore. – Paulina worked on the track. Smart, nice girl. Sincerely happy for his uncle. He has already introduced it with almost all the relatives”.

      Because of the publicity around the divorce of Theodore and Paulina has decided to postpone the wedding. Permanent expert “StarHit” Mohsen Noroozi anticipates that this event will be held soon.

      “Everything will happen in the fall, the celebration is secret and modest, – said the “StarHit” Mohsen Norouzi. – And next year, Paulina will become pregnant and bear a daughter. The couple will be bright and happy. They are much in love and together create more than one successful film project. But Fedor is not the last love Paulina”

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