Федор Бондарчук познакомил Паулину Андрееву с родственниками
Director Fedor Bondarchuk and actress Paulina Andreeva arrived together for the premiere of the children’s cartoon, where was held a solemn meeting.

Федор Бондарчук познакомил Паулину Андрееву с родственниками

In that moment, when all the guests and actors of the premiere gathered in the theater appeared Fyodor Bondarchuk with his bride. After a few press photos, the couple wanted to leave, but as it turned out, Theodore was scheduled another photo shoot with his granddaughters Margaret and Faith.

Федор Бондарчук познакомил Паулину Андрееву с родственниками

Paulina in this part make did not and apparently, at this time, was chatting with a Tata Mamiashvili, which led grandchildren, her fiancé at the premiere.

Федор Бондарчук познакомил Паулину Андрееву с родственниками

This meeting of the generations can not but look funny, grandpa, son’s wife, grandchildren, and young bride.

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