У Пиппы Миддлтон не хватает денег, чтобы нанять Адель для выступления на свадьбе

The younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge Pippa Middleton will soon be a married lady. In July of this year 33-year-old relative of the monarch made an offer of marriage, which she with great joy accepted.

Beloved Philippi (real girl’s name) James Matthews proved the seriousness of its intentions to link the fate of the Middleton and gave her a ring of impressive size.

At the moment Pippa is busy with the organization ideal in her view of the celebration. All the nuances entailed considerable financial costs, but the most expensive may be not even wedding dress, the invitation of the artist who needs to entertain guests.

Reportedly close to Middleton informants, she wants to perform the first wedding dance to a live performance Adele.

At the moment, the Adele performance is under question. It is known that the Briton has requested too big fee for their presence at the wedding. Young consider whether they are ready to splurge on that amount.

According to some reports, we are talking about the fee of $ 1 million.