Фредди Меркьюри лишился стопы из-за СПИДа

The guitarist of Queen Brian may told the shocking details of the death of the legendary musician Freddie mercury. In 1991, one of the most talented humans on the planet died from pneumonia caused by AIDS. In the fight against the deadly disease shortly before his death, the musician almost lost his foot. About the shocking details of a fatal disease Freddie Brian said in an interview with the Sunday Times.

One day Mei came to see already dying from a serious illness, mercury, and he showed him his wound. But seeing how shocked friend and colleague, hastened to apologize for the horror that I read in may’s eyes.
“Freddie told me: “Brian, please forgive me. I didn’t mean to upset you, showing his leg.” But I was only able to say how I feel sorry for him. I even could not imagine that he had to suffer so much, and that he has to endure all this,” — told reporters may.
According to Murphy’s law, shortly after the death of mercury, scientists have found a drug that can significantly extend the life of people living with HIV and AIDS. Now these diseases are not a death sentence like thirty years ago. Brian I am sure that if Freddie lasted a little while, but now he was alive.