Федор Добронравов станет дедом во второй раз
In acting dynasty soon to come addition.

Victor Dobronravov and his wife Alexandra

Photo: Yuri Feklistov

The star of the Vakhtangov theatre Victor Dobronravov (he is also known for his film credits, in particular the role of the courier Fedi in the series “Not born beautiful”) will soon make his famous father, actor Fyodor Dobronravov, a grandfather for the second time.

Victor and his wife Alexandra have a daughter grows up a barbarian (to her five and a half years). At the end of may, the couple will become parents for the second time, which makes me very happy and Fedor and his wife Irina, and their youngest son Ivan, also a famous actor. By the way, and maybe the father and his eldest son was a good family man: 55-year-old student of Fedor early marriage was the only one.

The sex of a child parents already know. But yet decided to reveal it only to her closest friends.

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