Федор Добронравов ухаживает за Ириной Розановой
The actress was at the center of a love triangle.

Федор Добронравов ухаживает за Ириной Розановой

Fyodor Dobronravov and Irina Rozanova

Photo: PTS Fyodor Dobronravov

This spring, Fedor Dobronravov founded her own record label
center. The rst project in which the popular actor appears in a new
status started on the day. The main role in the film “Zhili-byli” producer
I got Fedor Dobronravov, and Irina Rozanova and the Novel
Madenova. They play residents of a dying
villages in the Russian hinterland.

Two neighbour Gregory and Lech — trying to win the favor of
recently widowed Tatiana. Late love to some it may seem ridiculous, but
the only way to cope with the loneliness that touched each of the characters

Shooting “were” held in Leningrad region
in the village of Landovice and in one of the industrial cities under
Saint-Petersburg. “My primary
the task is to show real life, the real destiny of the aged, problems, transfer
their pain in the disappearing village. The viewer should believe
what’s on screen, believe in the reality personage?,
their history?, feel the fate,” — said the Director of the film Edward parry.

Fedor Dobronravov on film

Photo: PTS Fyodor Dobronravov

Fedor Dobronravov, commented on the creation of
the production center and launch of the debut project: “you Know, now a huge
the amount of bad news, and I want to in the world was more kind to
people kept family values. To watch our film, series,
the play, the audience left the hall a little kinder, happier, kinder.
You need to always remember about the most important values themselves, and teach them to their children. Honor, dignity, true feelings of love for his little
home and his vast Home — that’s what we want to broadcast all
our projects. We are for good movies!”

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