Поклонники беспокоятся за здоровье сильно располневшей Татьяны Догилевой Recently the star of films “the Blonde around the corner”, “Forgotten melody for flute” was invited to visit the film Studio Amedia. A celebrity with great pleasure agreed to give a master class for the guys who want to link their lives with the acting profession. Dogileva immodestly shared the secrets of the work in the frame, and answered tricky questions of the students.
Поклонники беспокоятся за здоровье сильно располневшей Татьяны Догилевой

“In the classroom Tatyana Dogileva we gain knowledge, experience and creative inspiration,” said the participants of the master class. The most popular questions among those present became “How to overcome fear on stage?”, “What are the best stage moves,” “What material is considered suitable, before the entrance examination?”.

Guests listened to every word his mother and tried not to interrupt her. Guys, inspired by the motivational speeches of a star, were quick to upload pictures from the lecture, remembering favorite actress on camera phones. But the leaked pictures have caused a lot of controversy among Internet users. Some simply did not recognize the celebrity. According to them, Dogileva has greatly gained weight.

“Is it me or is she fat?”, “I didn’t recognize Tatiana from the first time”, “Why is she so bad looking?”, “Dogileva has changed so much!” – wrote the user in the Network.

Some fans of the famous actress suggested that Tatiana had problems with health. Someone even thought that the reason diabetes or excessive Smoking.

“StarHit” contacted Dogileva, so she explained to the concerned people, why gained weight.

“Yes, I have recovered, says “StarHit” Tatiana. – So what’s next? Now located in Izhevsk, and I’m fine!”

Despite the shocking pictures, many people stood up for Dogileva.

“Tatiana always looks perfect!” “We love you all” “do not listen”, “Beautiful actress of all on stage!”, “And for me, it’s become even better.” Fans Dogileva wish her not to pay attention to criticism. Netizens also noted that despite a slight fullness, Tatiana is still in demand in the profession. For example, in the current year will be three new films with the actress: “mere woman”, “Island ricote” and “Dawn on the mountain of Adam.”