Фанаты ужаснулись, увидев снимок Бейонсе без макияжа
Famous singer Beyonce before each exit to the street making careful styling and can not do without makeup.

Фанаты ужаснулись, увидев снимок Бейонсе без макияжа

But recently the singer has decided not to bother about it, and the paparazzi immediately managed to capture in their natural form.

Fans seeing the photos taken by the paparazzi, was left in shock. After the birth of children Beyonce still are unable to return to the original shape, which is a frequent topic of discussion in the Network.

Fans believe that without makeup, the singer looks not so impressive.

“And it’s one that many people want to be like and go crazy?”, “It is very noticeable that without makeup, has changed not for the better”, “Wow, never used on this photo wouldn’t know her”,- wrote under the beyoncé Network users.

Perhaps this situation will inspire Beoynce to deal with them, and soon it will strike all elegant appearance.

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