Фанатам Джоан Коллинз запретили признаваться к ней в любви

Strange these artists. All his life sought the love of their fans, and then they themselves suffer from it. Actress Joan Collins, for example, recently banned its fans say how much they love her and her show “Unscripted”.

Фанатам Джоан Коллинз запретили признаваться к ней в любви
This Saturday, in the pavilion at Southend”s Cliffs, took a new shooting show, part of which is the conversation of the audience with the star. Joan husband Percy Gibson led the consort on stage and made comments to the fans in the Studio, telling them that his dear old wife will not be anyone to do a selfie, and that it is not necessary to confess her love.

“Don’t says how many years you love her and that you were her biggest fans – she already knows” said pierce. Trying one of the fans turn to Joan “Ms. Collins, the husband of a star said the Lady Joan will be quite enough, thank you.” Among other things it was impossible to speak with Collins on the topic of the upcoming presidential election and Brexit.
Herself 83-year-old Lady Joan looked happy, and gladly answered allowed fans questions. Among other things, she mentioned his deceased sister, and said that returning to the filming of the sitcom “Benidorm” next week.
Responding to a question about overcoming trials and tribulations in her personal life, she said: “When things aren’t going well, I think about people worse than me who are hungry or poor..Then I think about my life, about how lucky I am in life, and then I feel like I have nothing to regret. I’m optimistic”.
Joan offered many times to star in a reality show, but she will never agree for any money. But some of the Actresses she would love to work.
“One of them is cate Blanchett. It is very effective. And who is the girl who falls all the time, getting awards? Jennifer Lawrence, I think. She is also very like me” said Joan.