The singer shared her first selfie after baby is born. Fans noted that Alsou looks good on pictures, happy and refreshed. The followers wished her and her children good health and young moms supported the position of the stars to leave the social network for the child.
Alsou, who gave birth to a third child, a long time did not tell about his life. Fans began to worry whether all is well in the family of the artist. On Friday, the star broke the silence. The singer published a post on the page in Instagram, where he explained the reason for the absence on the Network. Fans Alsou: “Silence in the profile of some terrifying”
According to the mother of three children, she katastroficheski not enough time for blogging. Alsu said that I should not have to worry about her and her family all right.
“Welcome to a little sleepy, a little tired, a little missing Alsu. So literally flew by these past few weeks out of social networks. As one day! And what I want to say. First, I’m incredibly pleased that I waited and missed me. Thanks for all the warm words you wrote to me. Sorry I ignored you at this time. Second, I didn’t go anywhere and was just being a mom one hundred percent, which, incidentally, warned. And third, you know, sometimes, still, very nice to take a little vacation from social networking,” wrote the artist, put up a selfie.
Fans were happy about this update blog Alsu. The picture shows the artist smiling and literally glowing with happiness. Fans left nice words and compliments star mom. “Even a little prettier”, “You look great! As if glowing from the inside! So gentle and affectionate!”, “Our beloved Alashanku back, happiness has no limits, I wish you a beautiful day, and as many positive with a smile on my face”, “Wow, what cheeks”, “Honey, cool as always natural, our doll”, “of Course, with the advent of the baby to belong to him,” – wrote the singer’s followers.
Recall that the actress went to give birth to a son in Israel. The boy was born in a prestigious Israeli hospital “Ichilov”, located in the heart of tel Aviv. The service at this center has cost her family about $ 12. The heir was named Rafael in honor of his grandfather on his father’s side. At Alsou and her husband Ian Abramov also grow two beautiful daughters, seven-year and nine-year-old Safina Micelle.